Looking forward. Looking back.

Volunteers are the heart of the Inn

Montgomery’s Inn is home to a dedicated corps of over 90 volunteers, many of whom have given decades of service. Volunteers enjoy a sense of camaraderie as they develop skills and make welcome contributions to the community.

Collections volunteers
assist with research and documentation.
Tearoom volunteers
in historic costume serve tea and treats.
Baking volunteers
bake in the catering kitchen and brick oven.
Historic Cook volunteers
demonstrate hearth cooking in the Inn.
Garden volunteers
maintain the gardens surrounding the site.
Event volunteers
help with special events in a variety of roles.

the INNovators are a non-profit Friends of the Museum group who are always looking for volunteers.

RECOGNITION – Volunteers are essential to the Inn’s success. A Volunteer Appreciation event is held annually, along with social and enrichment gatherings.

RECRUITMENT – New volunteers are recruited and trained regularly. To inquire about current opportunities, call 416-394-8120 or check the Volunteer Toronto website.